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Showing posts from May, 2024

Timeline, religions

 Below is a concise, factual timeline of major world religions and their development, with a focus on India and including relevant global religions. The timeline is in ascending order and includes specific years where applicable.Timeline of Major ReligionsHarappan Civilization (Indus Valley Civilization)3300-1300 BCE: Early ritual practices, no clear evidence of organized religion.Vedic Period (Early Vedic Age)1500-500 BCE: Composition of the Vedas; polytheistic religion centered on deities like Indra and Agni.Zoroastrianism1500-500 BCE: Founded by Zoroaster in Persia, worship of Ahura Mazda; early monotheism.Judaismcirca 1200 BCE: Establishment of ancient Israelite religion; development of monotheism with Yahweh as the central deity.Later Vedic Period (Brahmanism)circa 800-200 BCE: Composition of the Upanishads; focus on philosophical concepts like Brahman and Atman.Jainismcirca 6th century BCE: Founded by Mahavira; emphasizes non-violence, truth, and asceticism.Buddhismcirca 6th cent