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Kalki and Dharma

 In the Puranas and epic legends, when adharma dominates, a smaller group always resists. According to Indian propaganda politics, those who stand for truth and justice are often labeled as terrorists. The movie "Kalki" portrays a similar canvas, where right-wing supporters constantly spread disinformation to incite hatred, paving the way for the mass destruction of humanity. The "Love Jihad" propaganda is a major tool for these groups. They call themselves think tanks, saints, nationalists, and protectors of culture, but in reality, they are rapists, hate mongers, betrayers, murderers, and some of the most heinous people on earth. If people think with reason, logic, and common sense, the hindutva agenda of hate politics and casteism would be crystal clear. Fortunately, we have brave journalists and activists who have struggled and provided proper evidence, investigative reports, and books to safeguard democracy and the social fabric.
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